Consulting Services

XL-Lead Consulting provides a wide array of consultative services to our clients. Our unique approach consistently leads to successful, on time and within budget engagements.

Project Management

Have a project that needs meticulous execution? Our team of Project Managers can help. We work directly with clients to understand the problem or opportunity at hand, develop a plan of execution, execute on the agreed upon plan, monitor and communicate status, and monitor adoption after close out as necessary.  More  |  Completed Projects

Project Management Office

A Project Management Office (PMO) defines and maintains standards for project management within the organization. Our consultants can help develop a Project Management Office structure that is right for your organization. More

 Project Management Training

Want to improve the effectiveness of your project management capability? We provide in-person and virtual group training sessions that cover a myriad of topics with real-life examples. More

Project Management Templates

We offer tools that enable your teams to standardize deliverables across all projects. These templates create a repeatable process for all projects. More

Process Improvement

Many times organizations struggle with taking organically grown processes and transforming them to meet current day demands. We encourage organizations to re-invent the way they do things, but the downstream impacts of any process change have to be considered carefully.

Our team of Process Improvement Consultants come with a business process re-design background – skilled with facilitating process design sessions. Coupled with our own methodology of managing change, our team is well poised to assist with the difficulties that come with reshaping processes.

Organization Readiness / Change Management

Organization Readiness is built into all aspects of our project management capability. Sometimes additional dedicated organization readiness resources are necessary to ensure that the right communication is making its way to the correct stakeholders. 70% of all change efforts typically fail! It’s important to get organization readiness right.

IT Governance

For growing organizations, a mechanism for oversight and defined internal processes are necessary. We’ve worked with clients to implement department wide operations as well as establish governance oversight committees through business participation.

Read about projects our team members have managed

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